Tag: python
5 Interactive Data Visualization tools for Python applications
At one point, when you play with data, generating graphs on a Jupyter Notebook is no longer enough. Besides, my 300-dimensional vectors delivered in JSON format were not as sexy in the eyes of my colleagues as they were in mine. Unfortunate. But! There are Python tools to generate graphs[…]
How to set up a Python environment with Neo4j
Note: At the time of this writing, latest versions are Python 3.7.2 and Neo4j 3.5.3. Neo4j is used to create and maintain Graph Databases, which are queryable using the Cypher language. The native form of Neo4j is written in Java but we can find drivers to other languages and also[…]
5 Interactive Data Visualization tools for Python applications
At one point, when you play with data, generating graphs on a Jupyter Notebook is no longer enough. Besides, my 300-dimensional vectors delivered in JSON format were not as sexy in the eyes of my colleagues as they were in mine. Unfortunate. But! There are Python tools to generate graphs[…]
How to set up a Python environment with Neo4j
Note: At the time of this writing, latest versions are Python 3.7.2 and Neo4j 3.5.3. Neo4j is used to create and maintain Graph Databases, which are queryable using the Cypher language. The native form of Neo4j is written in Java but we can find drivers to other languages and also[…]