Dataiku Basics
What’s Dataiku ? Dataiku is an collaborative, end-to-end data science platform. It was founded in 2013. Their goal is to democratize access to AI, especially in enterprise. They provide a platform to handle AI end-to-end : from the dataset and data cleaning, through tuning algorithms and features selection, to the[…]
Data Warehouse VS Data Lake
Both data warehouse and data lake will collect data from various sources, both internal and external. Data Warehouse The data warehouse only store structured data and needs a schema beforehand. The structure is optimized for commercial purpose and decision making. For example, it can extract orders from a regular database,[…]
AWS Lambda & Cloud Computing with Amazon
A PaaS AWS is a Platform As A Service (PaaS) which allows to execute code serverless. They take care of environment updates, scaling, load balancing, You pay only for the resources consumed, on the contrary to AWS OC2 which factures for the uptime. Usage Data processing in real-time – for[…]
Set up your MacOS environment as a Linuxer
I’ve been a Linux users for years, and switching for Mac was actually a great experience. I just had to get some additions to be at ease. Terminal: Brew First, I got the terminal kinda the way I wanted – I assue you it’s so much less frustrating than using[…]
5 Interactive Data Visualization tools for Python applications
At one point, when you play with data, generating graphs on a Jupyter Notebook is no longer enough. Besides, my 300-dimensional vectors delivered in JSON format were not as sexy in the eyes of my colleagues as they were in mine. Unfortunate. But! There are Python tools to generate graphs[…]
History of Javascript libraries & frameworks – a 2019 overview
As a back-end programmer, having to code a front-end was very scary to me. I knew nothing about JavaScript, and I had to start a project involving this language, so I did an audit of JavaScript technologies. What really happened is I started to dig in the past and learn[…]
How to set up a Python environment with Neo4j
Note: At the time of this writing, latest versions are Python 3.7.2 and Neo4j 3.5.3. Neo4j is used to create and maintain Graph Databases, which are queryable using the Cypher language. The native form of Neo4j is written in Java but we can find drivers to other languages and also[…]